10 Symptoms Of A Faulty Radiator: How To Recognize And Prevent Further Damage

10 Symptoms Of A Faulty Radiator: How To Recognize And Prevent Further Damage

Think your car’s radiator is on the fritz? You might be right! Several warning signs can signal that your radiator needs attention. The radiator is integral to every vehicle, so don’t wait too long to get them fixed if they’re acting up!

In this post, The Key Online – OKC serving Oklahoma City, OK, will list the top ten bad radiator symptoms. Knowing what to look for when your car needs service can save you time and money. So, here are the top 10 faulty radiator symptoms to help you recognize a faulty radiator!

A Leak in the Radiator:

If your car’s radiator leaks, it’s a sure sign that something is wrong. Radiator fluid is vital to functioning your vehicle correctly, so you should address a leak as soon as possible.

Overheated Radiator:

If your radiator is overheating, it could be a sign of several problems. A faulty thermostat, water pump, or fan could be to blame. Whatever the cause, an overheated radiator needs to be fixed before it causes further damage.

Sweet-Smelling Antifreeze:

If your car smells sweet, it’s a sign of a coolant leak. Coolant leaks can cause severe damage to your engine, so getting them fixed as soon as possible is essential.

Rust on the radiator:

If you notice rust on your radiator, it’s a sign that it’s not functioning correctly. Over time, rust can cause severe damage to your radiator, so getting it fixed as soon as possible is essential.

Cracks in the radiator:

If you notice cracks in your radiator, it’s a sign that it needs to be replaced. Cracks can cause coolant leaks, which can lead to engine damage.

Coolant loss:

If you detect that your coolant level is low, it’s a sign that your radiator needs to be fixed or replaced. Coolant loss can cause an overheated engine, leading to severe damage.

Sludge Build-Up in the Radiator:

If you notice sludge build-up in your radiator, it’s a sign that it needs to be flushed. Sludge can cause coolant leaks and prevent the radiator from cooling correctly.

Warning Light on Dashboard:

The dashboard warning lights are common overworked and bad radiator symptoms. If you see one, take note and bring it in for servicing as soon as possible!

Coolant Discoloration:

If you notice that your coolant is discoloring, it’s a sign that there could be rust or other debris in the radiator. That can clog up the radiator and cause problems. Be sure to have your radiator checked out if you notice this symptom.

Car Won’t Start:

If your car doesn’t start, it could be because your radiator is overheating. Your car’s engine can seize if it gets too hot. If you think this might be the problem, have your vehicle towed to a mechanic so they can take a look.

Don’t ignore these bad radiator symptoms! As soon as you recognize a faulty radiator, check it out as quickly as possible. Radiators are crucial to the proper functioning of your vehicle, so when your radiator needs to be fixed, don’t put it off. Keeping your car in tip-top shape is easy with just a little care.

If you are looking for a pre-owned car, check out our pre-owned car inventory at The Key Online – OKC, serving Oklahoma City, OK. We have a wide collection of vehicles to choose from, so we’re confident that we can find the perfect one for you.


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