Six Cheap Accessories Every Used Car Owner Needs

Want to get a little more out of your Oklahoma used car? Aftermarket accessories are a great, low-impact way to enhance your car’s capabilities and keep you safer and more comfortable. From high-tech helpers to emergency preparedness tools, these are some of our favorite accessories and add-ons for today’s used cars.

Jumper Cables

Nobody wants to deal with the hassle of a dead battery, but if you aren’t careful they can happen anytime. However, if you keep jumper cables in your car you’ll always be ready for the possibility. Jumper cables are cheap – you can find them in both auto stores and major retailers for under $20 – and they’ll pay for themselves in just one or two uses. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to be someone else’s hero when their battery goes flat and they don’t have their own set of cables.

Bluetooth Kit

Scientific research has shown time and time again that driving while using the phone is dangerous and irresponsible. However, hands-free driving systems allow you to keep up the conversation while also keeping your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel. Bluetooth kits are the most popular option for modern smartphone users. These systems automatically connect to your phone when it’s in range and forward calls to the hands-free system. Many also can wirelessly stream audio from your phone to your car’s speakers, making it easy to listen to your favorite artists on the go.

Rim Protectors

If you have low-profile tires or big rims on your car, you know the sinking feeling you get in your stomach when you get a little too close to the curb and hear that scraping sound. However, there is a way to keep your rims safe from curbside accidents: the rim protector. These circular protectors are made of heavy-duty plastic or Kevlar and sit between the rim and the tire. They provide an extended edge that keeps your rim safe from scraping. There are many different types of rim protectors on the market, but you should definitely consider them if you want to keep your car’s rims looking new.

Seatbelt Cutter/Window Hammer

What do you do if you get in an accident and need to escape your car quickly? Your seatbelt could be jammed shut, and your windows or doors might be blocked or wedged closed. IN some cases your only option is to cut and break your way free. A combination seatbelt cutter and window hammer is the perfect emergency tool for quick escapes. One end slices through tough seatbelts with a razor-sharp knife, while the other end makes short work of the laminated glass found in modern car windows. Hopefully you’ll never need to use it, but you’ll be thankful you have it if you ever do.


A flat tire can be a frustrating occurrence. Not only are you stuck on the side of the road, but roadside assistance can take hours to reach you during busy times. And while most cars do come with a spare tire, yours might be underinflated or too old to use safely, or the road shoulder might be too narrow or sloped to change the tire. In these cases, Fix-a-Flat is your best friend. Just hook up the nozzle to your tire’s air valve and let the can take care of the rest.

Code Reader

We’ve talked before about mysterious check engine lights and warnings on your dashboard, but you can solve those mysteries once and for all with your own diagnostic code reader. These devices plug into the port below your car’s steering wheel and tell you exactly what your car’s computer thinks is wrong. Diagnostic code readers vary in price – they even make wireless code readers that send information to your smartphone – but for most people there’s no reason to get anything but a basic model. If you’re not worried about driving with a warning light on, you can also go to an auto parts store like AutoZone and have them read your codes for free.

For more great used car tips and advice, come to The KEY in Oklahoma City today! We’re Oklahoma’s number one special financing car dealer, and we have the best selection of used cars and trucks for buyers with poor or no credit! You can even get approved online in less than two minutes, without ever leaving your house! Visit us on Facebook for more advice and helpful hints.



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